Each candle represents a different chakra.
Crown: Helps you to connect to the divine. The Crown chakra is symbolized by the lotus with one thousand petals. The Crown is our connection with the divine spirit, the inflow of our soul energy.
Third Eye: Related to psychic abilities and imagination. The Third Eye balances the higher and lower selves with the trust of inner guidance and vision.
Throat: Related to speech and self expression. Physically, the Throat chakra governs communication. Emotionally, it fosters independence, and mentally it aids in fluent thought. On a spiritual level it unlocks alignment with your highest path.
Heart: Related to complex emotions, compassion, tenderness, equilibrium, connection, and well being.
Solar Plexus: Also known as the power chakra, it houses our confidence, relationship with ourselves, personal gifts, and transformation from simple emotions to complex.
Sacral: Our passion and pleasure center, the Sacral chakra allows us to create, process emotion, and experience abundance.
Root: Related to family units, instinct, survival, safety and basic human potentiality.